Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Kanye & Amber

Have you ever been in a relationship with someone and knew it was wrong but felt so right? Regardless of the consequences or knowing that you two really don't belong together you are just saturated with all the feelings and emotions of that other person. You argue, fight, fuss and argue again about everything from why you are not together to we may never be together. You always seem to break up, say we should not talk to each other only to end up right were you started. In the end you realize that loving that person unconditionally without conditions and living instead of worrying about the right or wrongs is all the both of you may ever have. You will always have a place in your heart and always  look back and realize that once in your life you were in love and loved something and someone. Your heart will always have a place for all the wrongs and rights that came with loving and being in love with your Kanye or Amber.

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