Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Promise

In  life we have a couple of things that are guaranteed. One thing that is for certain is death.  No matter what you do in life you have to come to the realization that you were brought here for a purpose and when it is your time it is just that... your time. If it was in our control I think we would stretch it (it meaning our lives) out as long as we could. We love living but sometimes forget to live and forget that us being here on earth is a gift from God.

Living is a gift and giving birth is a miracle. I think that is the real reason why women (and some men) cry during the birth of a child. I think in some way those tears are an indirect reflection of the gift and the curse that we have when we are alive on this earth. We rejoice in the birth of a newborn and look forward to the challenges of being a mother and a father.    Our parental instincts kick in and we become consumed with this new life. We try to make sure that we raise our children up in a way so they won't have the same struggles o obstacles we as parents had. We rejoice!

Dying is a blessing. To know that someone who lived a life now has no more worries or pains is truly a blessing. Many times we often say that people are in a better place but really don't mean it.What we really are saying deep down on the inside is "I know my time is coming but thank God my time is not now" and that is the moment when we realize how precious life is. For whatever reason many people tend to get sad or weary at the mention of death. I wonder what those who have been judged and seen the creator would say they thought when they took their last breath. I wonder if they wished they could of had one more breath or if they realized that being alive is a miracle and death was the beautiful gift that the creator promised us all.

No matter how you look at it enjoy this life and know that this is temporary. We are only here for a little while. You will die. Some people are alive but mentally, physically, and spiritually dead and that can be worse in some cases. Think about being alive in a dead place........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... I thought the same thing. I pray that my life here is nothing like my life after life. Staying alive and living is a full time job. We can easily get consumed with the way the "world" says we should live our life. We can get attached to things, places, and even people who will eventually wither and die away. We can also cherish the day for tomorrow is never promised. We can live in the moment sometimes and feel good about right now. We can take a deep breath (the first or last one) and enjoy the gift of life and look forward to the blessing of the next one.

1 comment:

  1. What you wrote here is similar to my beliefs. My hope and aspiration is for everyone to come to realization that everything here on earth is just temporary. We must all live life to the fullest and thank God for this gift of life. There should be an open forum about this topic in order to provide an awareness to people. If we all reach self-actualization, there should be nothing to be scared about death since life was well spent here on earth. I like what the da Vinci once said, "As a well-spent day brings happy sleep, so a life well used brings happy death."
